SOME CLUES ABOUT SILVES TO HELP YOU TO KNOW THE CITY - General Silves discussion - Silves forum - Algarve forum in the Southern Portugal province of Portugal
Antnio  Carla Ponte - KW FLASH Algarve Real Estate Consultants

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Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:53pm
2 replies3 members subscribed

Posts: 2

Location: Silves

Joined: 19 Jul 2023

Hello good people, my name is Antonio, I'm Portuguese and I live in Silves with my partner Sofia.

What leads me to write this post is the fact that there is still a lot of lack of information and help for all those who want to live in Portugal, especially in the Algarve, especially in Silves, Lagoa, Portimão etc.

There is NO big difference between these cities and the big difference is due to the fact that for example Lagoa and Portimão are cities with a beach and served by highways, while Silves is an inland city but older and full of history, compared to Portimão and Lagoa.

Later on I will try to give some clues that will help you to understand, for example, how to understand essentially Silves.

I was born in the Algarve, retired from the Armed Forces, but still doing work in diversified activities and open to professional opportunities because in my philosophy of life is “ to stop is to die and each day of life is a gift). My wife and I are communicative and we like to travel and develop activities compatible with our qualifications, essentially public relations and civic support, among others. We have lived in the UK and have been between the UK and Silves. What binds me to the United Kingdom has to do with the ease of the language and it has been going on since I was a kid, because I had and have friends for a long time and when I retired from the Armed Forces I went to the United Kingdom in 2012 to study and try to improve my skills and qualifications in Safety and hygiene at work and we developed some professional activity in this area and others related to this area. We have living at Chester, London, Cambridge, Haverhill, and actually at Thetford, Norfolk.

We have also been to France in identical situations for example in the Normandy area and we loved that area especially "St Gilles croix de vie" in a summer camp in "Fenouilier".

Silves is an inland town with a lot of history before and after it became a Christian town around the 14th century.

Silves is known as the historic capital of the Algarve I suggest you have a look at :,_Portugal

(and during Moorish times around the 13th century it was also the capital of the Arab Caliphate which included the entire Algarve and southern Spain.

Silves is currently receiving many foreigners who come to live in the city and its surroundings and others still have a holiday home. Currently the largest foreign communities in Europe who are already looking for and living in Silves are from the United Kingdom, Holland and France, mainly retired people. In addition, several people from the same countries pass through the city periodically on vacation: UK, France and Holland because they gradually get to know the city until they make the decision to move. The Dutch, for example, have developed several businesses in Silves, for example, they have a Cheese Shop at the riverside area of the “Arade” River, which is worth a visit for those who appreciate it.

Silves cannot be described in a simple article and currently there are already websites on the internet and/or social networks can be obtained essential information about the city and this information will facilitate access to other important information from local government bodies that provide information about the Portuguese law of emigration, taxes, purchase or rental of house, safety and medical care. Of course, it is much easier when we have a friend or a Expat to provide this help.

My case when I went to live in the United Kingdom for 10 years was very different because I already mastered the language and I studied English history and English literature thanks to an English teacher from the Technical School of Silves, trained in England in the 60s.

At the age of 15 I was getting theoretical English classes and practical classes coordinated by the teacher who encouraged pupils to wait for the tourist buses that visited the castle of Silves to serve like tour guides, or work on the beaches in bars and restaurants to practice English. For those who have not started like me course have to lean 'up' on friends or expats, or be lucky enough to find the Public Tourism Service or local Authority with competent professionals to provide all the desired information.

For those who visit Silves and want to move to Silves you always have several options and one of them is also the precious help provided by the Alex at Algarve Forum website <[email protected].

People in Silves are probably not the most communicative but it all depends on their age, as the new generation is already all communicative and skilled about English. The Portuguese likes to welcome the foreigner in the best way. Modern society styles are actually very similar all over European countries that are what I have seen and we can find lovely and bad people everywhere, so it depends on us the way how we communicate and select the friendship. Silves like all the country we have a big immigrant community of people coming from Africa but in Silves and the major community of non-nationals from Africa is from North Africa, mainly from Morocco and the reason can be explained historically and also because Silves is geminated ( No officially yet) with Morocco City of “Alcacer Quibir”.

That community are completely integrated in Algarve County and they are very important to preserve, culture and tradition that the Portuguese got from the Moorish before Silves became a Cristian city you can see that during yearly Medieval Fair.

The city has good levels of safety and public services work well and as in any part of the world, eventual complaints should be made in the right place so that the services improve their quality. For example, Local Council Services, complaints should be made by calling 282 440 800 (call to the national landline) on the website:

In terms of security, you can contact the local police called GNR (Republican National Guard) Phone: 282 440 290

For emergency medical and fire services you can call the Silves Volunteer Firefighters.  Phone +351 282 442 411 or Emergency number 112.

For services related to animals you should contact the kennel of Silves :

[email protected] Telephone 282 440 800  (call to the national fixed network).

The services of the Notary Office of Silves call: phone 282 448 081

All services, including public services, have a Facebook or Instagram page, so it's a good idea to follow these services and benefit from up-to-date information.

In terms of Banks I refer to the 3 banks in Silves, the State Bank with good quality called Caixa Geral de Depósitos-CGD and two private banks : CAIXA DE CRÉDITO AGRÍCOLA – CA and BANCO COMERCIAL PORTUGUÊS-BCP

For tax services:  telephone Fax: 282 440 099, E-mail: [email protected].

All services have at least one person who is fluent in English and on the respective websites you can find all the access information and opening hours.

The Commerce in the City is large enough for the needs of the day, but there is always the possibility to visit the nearest cities with a greater variety of products such as Portimão or Lagoa which is about 5 miles away.

The prices and quality of the products are similar to Europe, as we have 2 wars on the doorstep, (Ukraine and the Middle East) you know the environment that is influencing almost everything.

Local products such as bread, fruit and fish, and meat are of good quality and at very good prices even in large shopping stores.

Housing is in a major crisis still with very inflated prices.

The city area is quite attractive and has many paths and secondary roads for walking, jogging or cycling. The city has 3 gardens for relaxation and/or exercise and a modern gym equipped with a swimming pool. The “Abrade” River, which bathes the city, is not yet suitable for swimming, but it has some spots appreciated by sport fishermen,: the nearest beaches are: CARVOEIRO, ARMACAO DE PERA and PRAIA DA ROCHA all within a ratio of 15 miles.

The food in the city is very good and traditional and there is a lot of variety of meat and fish dishes on offer, including seafood and pizzerias.

 Fruit and bread are plentiful and of good quality.

For those who want to know more about the city and the Algarve, there is a local library where you can document yourself. Phone: 282 440 800

For those who like to ride the train and get to know the interior of the Algarve, you can use the train from Silves railway station: connection to the cities: Portimão, Faro, Lagos and Vila Real de Santo António.

As I mentioned, the whole city is much referenced on the internet in local and national terms. There are some Facebook groups that you can join and start to get to know the local community and getting the basic of language for essential communication as well as about some traditions and culture elements, and being able to ask questions on the Facebook forum about doubts you have or some punctual needs. I suggest the 3 Facebook groups for membership:

I could go on here to write a book about the city, but there is a lot to discover about the city and for you it may even be a challenge to get to know and try to get to know more and more using the means available.

I do not want to end it without leaving here my feeling of solidarity with all those who move or plan to move to Silves or to the Algarve and need concrete or generic information.

I will leave my email address here so that in case of need and in each specific case I can help with any questions or necessary information that in general or in concrete you could need, I promise to answer or comment as soon as possible what you ask me.

Thank you all for taking your time to read my text.

Kind regards

Sincerely yours


( PLEASE ! you can get my email address via security message on the Alex WEB SITE)

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Posted: Wed Apr 3, 2024 2:56pm

Posts: 139

14 helpful points

Location: Lagos

Joined: 29 Sep 2020

Posted: Wed Apr 3, 2024 2:56pm

Hello, Antonio, from Ireland.

Anne, my wife, and I have over-wintered in a rented apartment Lagos for the past few winters i.e. Sept - March, but go back to Ireland for Christmas. We were only a few metres from Praia Meia and it was heaven. We had its long length to ourselves. May I compliment you on your English - it is perfect.

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of empty properties, particularly apartments, are empty in the Algarve while, at the same time, there are thousands of retired people, like us, in northern countries, like Ireland, who would love to over-winter in the Algarve. But why does this not happen?

I ask this question all the time and the answer I get is that the Portuguese tax system penalises property owners from doing this.

We are not over-wintering in Lagos this winter because when we returned to Ireland last Christmas I got a bad attack of covid (we're not vaccinated) and spent 5 days in hospital in Ireland.

Rightly or wrongly one of the opinions we formed about the Algarve was it was too highly regulated with red-tape, rules etc. For example, why are there not good mobile-home parks all along the Algarve? It seems to be unfriendly to self-sufficient, long-term tourists who would be attracted to caravans, mobiile-homes, modular homes, chalets etc.  Maybe the middle-of-the-road new government will free up this accommodation. 

What is your email address - mine is [email protected]


Posted: Sun Apr 7, 2024 10:30am

Posts: 84

15 helpful points

Location: Silves

Joined: 8 Aug 2021

Posted: Sun Apr 7, 2024 10:30am

Wow António lots of useful information there thank you for taking the time to write this! 

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Antnio  Carla Ponte - KW FLASH Algarve Real Estate Consultants
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