Looking for a job: Merchandiser - Jobs and careers in Praia da Luz - Praia da Luz forum - Algarve forum in the Southern Portugal province of Portugal
Antnio  Carla Ponte - KW FLASH Algarve Real Estate Consultants

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Looking for a job: Merchandiser

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 7:27am
0 replies8 views1 member subscribed

Posts: 2

Location: Praia da Luz

Joined: 22 May 2023

Hi guys....My name is Kathryn (48 years old). Looking for a merchandising position Western Algarve. Currently working in the UK for a family concern who supply textiles to a large UK- based store in a senior role. Familiar with international procurement / communications with countries such as China, Pakistan, Portugal, Germany, Bangladesh and India. Overseeing prestigious stock i.e. Egyptian range. Just started to learn Portuguese. Looking for a new and exciting challenge.

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Antnio  Carla Ponte - KW FLASH Algarve Real Estate Consultants
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