Annual Car Parking near Faro Airport - Driving, hiring, buying and owning a car in Burgau - Burgau forum - Algarve forum in the Southern Portugal province of Portugal
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Annual Car Parking near Faro Airport

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:26pm
3 replies77 views4 members subscribed
Sam Boz

Posts: 1

Location: Burgau

Joined: 19 Apr 2023

Hi All,

First post on here, so here goes.  We have a house near Burgau, and usually rent a car when visiting the Algarve.  But rental rates have shot up in the last 18 months, and we are considering buying a car.  We have found out about the 'buying' bit, and all seems OK.  However we would prefer to store the car near Faro airport when we get it, it seems crazy to buy a car and then spend loads on a taxi to Burgau!  Are there any recommendations for Annual Car Parking places, or vehicle storage places.

Thanks in Advance,



Posted: Tue Jun 6, 2023 9:52pm

Posts: 3

Location: Burgau

Joined: 6 Jun 2023

Posted: Tue Jun 6, 2023 9:52pm

Hi Sam, we also live for several weeks a year in Burgau.

We have a car and like you are looking for reasonable priced parking near Faro Airport 

Have you had any success in finding anywhere yet?




Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:12am

Posts: 16

3 helpful points

Location: Ferragudo

Joined: 13 Dec 2022

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:12am

My neighbour tells me she parks her car a side street when she goes to germany for three months!

Hard to believe I know. I did hear  myself there is low cost parking somewhere near Faro Airport?

If anyone knows about this please reply? 

Also we were always taking a taxi from Faro to Ferragudo, cost recently €65 one way. But recently we decided to try the train going back. So from Parchal (Ferragudo) to Faro is €6 each single paying on the day on the train. Then a taxi from Train station in Faro to Faro airport €5.  It takes longer but it’s low cost. Especially for one person travelling on their own. It was also 20 minutes late. 

There is a train station at Lagos and my experience is it’s €2 from Parchal to Lagos so I estimate from Lagos to Faro train fare €8 to €10 euros each one way. ( There is a bus service from train station to airport but it goes and stops at loads of stops taking time so a taxi is best option.)  

Doing the math and especially if you have your own car this cost wise works. I don’t know if Lagos is nearest station to you? 

The train also has to work out in terms of the time of the flight you are taking as if it’s early morning timing wise may not work.



Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:28am

Posts: 3

Location: Burgau

Joined: 6 Jun 2023

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:28am

Thanks Anna

we drove up to Faro on Thursday to have a look around about parking

There are as you say there is lots of free road side parking within walking distance of the airport and clearly a lot of people use it and trust their cars will be there, undamaged when they return

This wasn’t for us.

We found Park and Trip close to P3, so again walkable to the airport, albeit they have a shuttle bus available at extra cost.

They charge 30 Euros per month -ie 1 euro per day - the only snag is that you have to pay for the whole year, whether you’re r not you are using the. 

As our car will be parked with them for around 40 weeks and the minimum else where seems to be around 3 euros per week we decided to try them

There is one bad review against them on the internet which we hope was due to mis-communication

we will let you know how we get on

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