Making a Portuguese Will - Insurances and wills advice in Albufeira - Albufeira forum - Algarve forum in the Southern Portugal province of Portugal
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Making a Portuguese Will

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:33pm
2 replies58 views3 members subscribed

Posts: 5

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Location: Albufeira

Joined: 22 Sep 2021


My husband and I own a flat in the Algarve and have been advised to make a Portuguese Will. 

Does anyone have any experience of this - can anyone advise the best course of action and if we can go straight to a notary?

we are UK Citizens.

Thank you.



Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:17pm

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Joined: 20 Nov 2020

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:17pm

Hi Shona,

I signed my Portuguese will at the notary last week.

The answer to your question depends on how well you and your executor speak Portuguese and can cope with the mountain of Portuguese paperwork that will need sorting out.

I opted for my solicitor (from house purchase and residency work) to be my executor as neither of my sons speak Portuguese.

The will needs to be written in Portuguese and the notary will read through it ( a paragraph at a time in English ) with you, to make sure it is correct and you understand any quirks of the system.

I gave my solicitor a basic overview of what I wanted to do and give - they checked a few things and then wrote it in Portuguese ready for the notary.

The notary made a few small changes during the meeting - so it was correct in her eyes.  { there are strict rules here about cutting people out or trying to give it all to the cats home }

It costs about 180 Euro for the notary ( depending on complexity and time needed to explain it ). Mine was simple and cost 173.22 ! [ take change if paying in cash!! ]

I hope this helps.



Talk to your (a) solicitor here.

Do you want this to be your only will? covered by British or Portuguese laws??

For me it was simple, I left the UK 23 years ago, have been living in the Netherlands since then and have no plans to go back to the UK, but retire to Portugal and be a permanent resident here and maybe a citizen here as well.


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:35am


Original Poster

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Location: Albufeira

Joined: 22 Sep 2021

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:35am

Ian28 wrote on Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:17pm:

Hi Shona,

I signed my Portuguese will at the notary last week.

The answer to your question depends on how well you and your executor speak Portuguese and can cope with the mountain of Portuguese paperwork that will need sorting out.

I opted for my solicitor (from house purchase and residency work) to be my executor as neither of my sons speak Portuguese.

The will needs to be written in Portuguese and the notary will read through it ( a paragraph at a time in English ) with you, to make sure it is correct and you understand any quirks of the system.

I gave my solicitor a basic overview of what I wanted to do and give - they checked a few things and then wrote it in Portuguese ready for the notary.

The notary made a few small changes during the meeting - so it was correct in her eyes.  { there are strict rules here about cutting people out or trying to give it all to the cats home }

It costs about 180 Euro for the notary ( depending on complexity and time needed to explain it ). Mine was simple and cost 173.22 ! [ take change if paying in cash!! ]

I hope this helps.



Talk to your (a) solicitor here.

Do you want this to be your only will? covered by British or Portuguese laws??

For me it was simple, I left the UK 23 years ago, have been living in the Netherlands since then and have no plans to go back to the UK, but retire to Portugal and be a permanent resident here and maybe a citizen here as well.

Hi Ian

That is so helpful - thank you so much.

happy retirement!

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